NEW IN V1.2 (Early Access 8/10/2024) (Public 08/24/2024)
Hello Everyone!💜💜 I hope all of you are doing great.
For this update I focused on Life Choices and other general fixes to the game. Further tuning triggers and in general a better gaming experience for your sims.
Fixes and Additions:
Reworked Aspiration Life choices for kids and teens. To include all aspirations available in BetterGoals. As well as making sure to get rid of known bugs.
Updated to the newest patch of the game. Location preferences are usable now.
Fixed various text and image issues.
To Do:
Finish Life choices rework to match all aspirations.
Add Ciuidad enamorada location preferences.
Finetune Location preferences buffs.
Include Romance skill into system.
If you have any feedback or issue don't hesitate to leave a message on discord! I can't always answer fast but I always check and appreciate feedback. Thanks so much for your support!💜
Changes in V1.0
Hello Everyone and Happy Spring!💜💜 It's time for another BetterSims update.
This time I've focused on fixing settings and other buffs and errors.

Feel free to leave any feedback you have in comments or contact me directly in Discord.

Recommended / Required Mods
Personality Overhaul
In the game we only have 3 slots for sim adults to give them a personality and we have to use them wisely. But there are some traits that seem to be not as impactful and defining as others. That’s why I decided to add a new system and separate personality from Character traits.
Personality Traits
Emotional Traits
Traits that stay the same:
Hot Headed
Re-categorized Traits:
New Traits:
These sims rarely get inspired and struggle with all creative activities.
These sims have a hard time getting and landing jokes. They rarely feel playful.
Hobby Traits
Traits that stay the same:
Art Lover
Music Lover
Re-categorized Traits:
Loves Outdoors
Traits that stay the same:
Social Traits
Traits that stay the same
Family Oriented
Hates Children
Lifestyle Traits
Traits that stay the same:
Re-categorized Traits:
New Traits:
Occult Enthusiast
These sims love and believe in everything related to the Supernatural!
Free Spirited
These sims love to go with the flow and avoid following the heards.
Skill Learning
Skills in the Sims 4 are sometimes too easy to master. So I tried to balance them out to make things more interesting. In real life everyone learns skills at a different rate and this feature of the mod was created to balance skill learning in the sims 4. as soon as your game loads your sim will be given 1 of the 4 skill learning traits:


Slow learner

These traits are here to make every sims' experience different. Some Sims will have a harder time learning stuff than others but things like having a good childhood or loving a particular activity will make it more enjoyable for your Sim. These traits are assigned following a percentage. 65% Regular, 10%Slow Learner, 10% Prodigy and 25% Fast Learner.
Fast Learner
Auto Assign System
BetterSims initially had a feature that added likes and dislikes to the game.
Now the og game has its own preferences system the way that system gives likes and dislikes to your sims through gameplay only focuses on emotions so, I added my original system and adapted it to the new preferences.
Now your sim will develop preferences on their own without asking and this is based on traits, personality and other features from my mod.
Skill level and CAS story feature also affect this system.
Location Preferences:
These new preferences can appear when your sim visits a new place and are assigned based on personality. You can also choose them in CAS like any other preference. The automatic system can be disabled and Enabled in the menu but if you want to remove the preferences you have to do it manually.
These preferences influence your sims’ moods and life choices.
Fashion Preferences:
This feature has also been included in the game and I'm working on adapting it to the mod.
Fashion Preferences right now are dependent on Highschool Years but my original preferences were intended for base game so I'll be working on compatibility and a solution for that.
Talents & Weaknesses
Life is more complex than just being a fast or slow learner so to add to that depth we have Hidden talent archetypes.
When the game loads your sim as a chance to get a new Talent or Weakness. When this happens you will get a notification about it.
You can check for it using BetterSims Menu by clicking on your sim.
These hidden traits come in pairs and will make it easier and more enjoyable or harder and less enjoyable to do cerain activities.
This feature is not yet set on stone if you have a talent archetype suggestion I would love to hear about it.
Artistic / Unartistic
Painting, Photography and Media Production.
Social Star / Asocial
Charisma, Mischief, Comedy, and Local Culture.
Poetic / Metrophobic
Comedy, Writing.
Musical / Tone Deaf
Instruments & singing.
Crafty / Uncoordinated
Cross Stitch, Flower Arranging and Knitting.
Athletic / Sluggish
Fitness, Equestrian , skating and rock climbing.
Scholar / Unaware
Archaeology, Research & Debate and logic.
Performer / Stage Fright
Charisma, acting, dancing and singing.
Competitive / Uncompetitive
Games, Videogames, Pingpong, and Juicepong
Outdoorsy / Homebody
Fishing, gardening, herbalism and dog training.
Great Cook / Tasteless
Bartending, Cooking, Gourmet cooking and Baking.
Spiritual / Disconnected
Medium and Wellness.
Spiritual / Disconnected
Medium and Wellness.
Pioneer / Unenterprising
Juice Fizzing, Entrepreneurial and Media Production.
Inventor / Technophobe
Programming, robotics, rocket science and fabrication.
Adrenaline Chaser / Scaredy Cat
Rock Climbing, skiing and snow boarding.
Rhythmic / Arrhythmic
Dancing and Dj mixing.
Devout / Unreliable
Parenting, veterinarian, equestrian and dog training.
Life Choices
At any point in life your sim will get a special moodlets indicating what direction they want to take in life, Things like leaving High School, changing their look, moving to their favorite neighborhood, Becoming a Bodybuilder(choosing aspirations), leaving their spouse or other life changing actions.
There are different types of chices your sim will make thoughout their life:
Choose a life aspirations.
Choose the place where they want to live.
Choose a job and the branch they want to follow.
Stay or leave school, Start University (needs work)
Start or end a relationship.
Chage their appearance.
Note: The last few game updates gave us a wants and feats system, which I really want to explore and using it to make life choices more meaningful and vice versa seema like the way to go. Thsi is still something I'm thinking about. I'll let you all know more about it when I get further with it.
Secondary Aspirations
After Your sim gets an aspiration related life choice the outcome is up to you, you can choose to change the aspiration and fix the aspiration bonus trait or you can use the secondary aspiration option in the BetterSims menu.
Aspiration life choices unlock special traits called Secondary aspirations that will affect whims and Autonomy. You can select one Secondary Aspiration at a time and access it through your Sim menu >BetterSims>Secondary Aspirations. If you don;t want to unlock them through gameplay you can also choose the one you want.
BetterSims Menu
I added options in your sims menu to help you manage your sims preferences and traits.
Note: if your sim has got only one aspiration choice you’ll only see the secondary aspiration option in the main bettersims menu like in the picture. This is how menus work in the game by default.

Change Aspiration Bonus
In the vanilla game, once your sim is created they get a bonus trait based on their picked aspiration. this cannot be changed even when switching aspirations, I added a fix for that in the BetterSims Menu.
This option lets you enable , disable and reset all systems separately for a single sim or all sims.
The reset option will remove assigned traits, and hidden traits. Your sim will forget all previous life choices, what activities they’ve tried (doesn’t affect skill level) and places they’ve visited.
You can select a specific system or all of them and it can’t be undone.
Choose Skill Learning Trait
This option lets you select the speed at which your sim learns all skills. If you open it and click X without selecting anything the skill learning trait will be removed and re assigned next time you load the game.
Select Secondary Aspirations
I originally intended secondary aspirations to be unlocked only through gameplay. But everyone plays in a different way so I added this cheat for anyone who wants to choose their own stories.
Remove Trait
This option lets you remove any trait from your sim. Sometimes your sim might get a preference, child phase or hidden trait that you don’t want. You can remove it with this option. I also use it to see all the traits my sim has.
By Midiar
By Totuvor
By Cecil Davis
Installation V0.9.9
Before you install, make sure to remove previous versions of the mod completely.
Most features from the mod can be safely removed and I’ll keep improving how that works.
As the mod becomes more customizable the installation instructions become a bit more complicated so I’ll explain everything in detail.

Your download should look like this

Double click to open your .zip file
drag the folder to your Mods Folder
Your BetterSims folder should look like this
Make sure you removed the previous version before installing
Do not remove the Main Files

Go to DLC Modules and make sure you remove the files of DLC you don't have.
You will get Last exception errors if you don't do this
Go to Addons and remove the files you don't want.
More info in the Addons section

Optional: Go to Main Modules to remove any part of the mod you don't want.
You have Installed BetterSims!
Now make sure you enable script mods in your game settings

Next update scheduled on:
Next update scheduled on:
Version 1.2
compatible with
The Sims 4 updated 1.108.349.1020 on 08/08/2024
Make sure you delete previous versions before installing.
Only install the files for DLC you own and play with!
Keep in mind that this Guide and the whole website are under construction. Feedback, as always, is appreciated.